November 10, 2019

Spreading Good Cheer This Holiday Season

Packaging up my 10 desktop calendars that I give away every year to 10 unsuspecting humans who showed me unconditional respect, encouragement, gave me HOPE and kindness in 2019 ♥️ ALWAYS BELIEVE SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!

November 07, 2019

My Calendars Are Ready

I am currently taking orders 
for both the
Desktop calendars $13.00 each
Wall calendars $20.00 each

If interested, send me an Email at 
or find me on social media.

November 01, 2019

Love One Another

My first painting ever, drawing two little Afghanistan children. 

I hope I did them justice. October 31st was the little boy's 6th Birthday. This was a "thank you" painting for someone I shared a desk with at a temporary gig I was at for the past two weeks. 

[On a side note, I recently bought watercolor paints specifically for "skin colors" and this was the first time using an olive/yellowish skin tone paint for people from Iran/Afghanistan areas]